I was searching to see what size battery I needed only to find it comes with the standared CR2032 long life battery already installed - really convenient. The other brands that only give timed intervals before turning off are missing the very purpose of sound machines playing all night.* I like the times the alarm are set for being displayed in tiny numbers on the alarm set indicator.* I like when the alarm sounds it gradually gets louder and the fact that you can set how loud it gets.* I really like the battery back-up. I even like the quiet campfire on this clock.* I like the sounds being able to play continously - something HARD to find on these sound machines. I use the ceiling projector instead, which I turn on at bed time.* I like the different sounds, I became addicted to nature sounds years ago with earlier HoMedic clocks and now can't sleep without them. I am light-sensitive so even the lowest setting still is too bright for me, but some may like the display being completely off as they sleep as I do. Pros & Cons PROS:* I like the display having three dimmer settings as well as "off". WHATS INCLUDED: One HoMedics SoundSpa Digital FM Clock Radio.It features an advanced automatic time setting technology that automatically displays the correct time and date! AUTOMATIC TIME SET & DST ADJUSTMENT: The HoMedics Time Projection Radio automatically adjusts to Daylight Savings Time.

The SoundSpa's sounds are designed to mimic the natural environment to provide the most relaxing sleep experience possible

8 PEACEFUL NATURE SOUNDS: Choose from 8 digitally recorded relaxing sounds: Ocean, White Noise, Brook, Rainforest, Thunder, Rain, Fan, Campfire.Dont want the LED light projector? No problem! You can choose to turn the projector on/off. It features a swivel projector that can tilt to your desired level. LED TIME PROJECTION: This Clock Radio projects the time in a soothing blue light.Set two different alarms for you and your partner! Choose to wake up from your favorite radio station, peaceful nature sounds or a beep tone. 2 IN 1 ALARM CLOCK & WHITE NOISE MACHINE: This clock doubles as a Digital FM Clock Radio as well as a White Noise Sound Machine.